
T4 is an online ticketing program that allows our shippers access to their tickets via the Internet. It is important that any company that ships with Wolverine signs up for T4 services. If your company is already signed up, please contact your company administrator for a user account. Companies that need to enroll can call Wolverine at (269) 323-2491 ext. 142 or e-mail at To access the T4 website, visit

T4 services include:

  • Nominations – Wolverine customers now utilize Transport 4 to nominate batches. Confirmation of batch approvals are also completed through T4.
  • Schedules – Schedules are available in Transport 4. Schedules can be retrieved by logging in to T4 or any user can elect to have schedules sent by e-mail automatically.
  • Tickets – Wolverine customers will be able to access their tickets via the Transport 4 website and/or configure their accounts to have their tickets automatically pushed to them via e-mail or fax within minutes after the ticket information is produced by Wolverine. For a nominal charge, customer accounts can also be configured to push ticket information in an open standard XML document. This feature replaces costly EDI and allows customers to automatically populate their enterprise systems with billable custody transfer information.
  • Third-Party Tickets – For a nominal charge, Wolverine customers will be able to grant access to custody transfer ticket information to third parties who weren’t party to the originally ticketed batch. This service allows Wolverine and other Transport 4 customers to deliver billable information to all parties associated with the history of the batch transaction.
  • Bulletins – Wolverine customers will be able to access important Wolverine announcements that could potentially impact their business. Customers can configure their Transport 4 accounts to have bulletins automatically pushed to them via e-mail or fax.
  • Customer / Carrier Information Manager – Wolverine customers will be able to access operations information that Wolverine makes available to its users. Carriers typically provide Tariff Information, Shipper Manual Information, Shipper Meeting Documents and a link to their public websites.
  • Customer Support – Transport 4 will provide around-the-clock, first-level support to Wolverine customers who experience difficulties accessing the Transport 4 application or their transaction information.
  • Help – Wolverine customers will be able to access online code reference tables (company codes, location codes and product codes) and how-to narratives to help guide them through the utilization of the Transport 4 appli