Pipeline Markers
The U.S Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations require the use of markers to indicate the approximate location of underground pipelines. Markers are located at road, railroad, and navigable waterway crossings and within “line of sight”, where practical along the right-of-way. It is important to note that markers do not indicate the depth of the pipeline, nor are they always located directly over the pipeline. The markers display:
- The material transported in the line
- The name of the pipeline operator
- An emergency telephone number
Be aware that damage or removal of pipeline signs is a federal offense subject to a fine of up to $5,000 and/or up to one year in prison.
Right-of-ways are strips of land surrounding the pipeline which define Wolverine’s right to operate and access the property. Most agreements provide Wolverine the right to keep the right-of-way clear of trees, structures, and other obstructions. Most right-of-ways or easements are perpetual easements, which are recorded in the County Deed Records and remain valid no matter how many times the property is sold. The easements grant Wolverine the right to construct and maintain associated facilities upon the property described in these agreements.
At Wolverine, we try and maintain clear right-of-ways so the observers in our aerial patrol planes can monitor the pipeline for suspicious activities and meet the Department of Transportation’s requirements that we regularly monitor the pipeline right-of-way at least 26 times a year, not exceeding every three weeks. We attempt to fly our entire pipeline once a week, depending on weather and other factors. Additionally, clear right-of-ways provide Wolverine employees, contractors, and local emergency responders timely access to our pipeline in the event of an emergency.
Wolverine’s approach to right-of-way maintenance means keeping an open line of communication with property owners along the pipeline. Wolverine contacts all property owners annually with a group mailing with information about living in the vicinity of a pipeline. Finally, prior to any work on our pipeline, we attempt to notify the property owner.