Vandalia, MI — Wolverine Pipe Line Company conducted a simulated emergency response drill at Christiana Creek at Milo Barnes Park in Vandalia the morning of May 26, 2022. The drill was conducted as part of Wolverine’s annual emergency response preparedness training.
Wolverine deployed a containment boom in the creek to simulate product control and recovery methods that may be used in the rare occurrence of an actual release on the creek. These spill response drills are part of Wolverine’s annual emergency response preparedness training.
“These drills are essential to Wolverine’s detailed emergency response plan,” said Efrain Lazaro, Niles Area Supervisor at Wolverine Pipe Line Company. “Boom deployments allow for critical real-time experience with our team and local emergency responders to practice how we would respond in the event of an actual pipeline emergency.”
“Pipeline incidents don’t happen often,” said Penn Township Fire Department Chief Jim Bogue. “Because safety is our number one priority, we look forward to these types of drills because they help us to be prepared and reinforce our partnership with the pipeline operator.”
Wolverine operates a liquid petroleum pipeline in Cass County, Michigan. Wolverine conducts drills at different locations up to three times annually. The simulated drill at Christiana Creek in Milo Barnes Park in Vandalia, Michigan is Wolverine’s second of three deployments planned for 2022.
Wolverine Pipeline Company is a fuel transportation company headquartered in Portage, Michigan. Wolverine operates ~700 miles of active pipeline transporting refined petroleum products from refineries in the Chicago area to the Michigan market. Wolverine transports approximately 30% of all gasoline and diesel fuel used in Michigan.
For additional information on Wolverine Pipe Line Company, please visit:
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Wolverine Pipe Line has produced a new pipeline safety video called, “It Takes a Partnership,” it can be viewed online here: https://youtu.be/7P-JdL46_90